Um okkur – iPhone viðgerðir og aðrar snjallsíma viðgerðir – IcePhone

Mán. - Fös.: 10:00 - 18:30 Laugardaga: 11:00 - 18:00

Sunnudaga: 12:00 - 17:00

Um okkur

Hver erum við

Icephone ehf, er viðgerðarþjónusta sem hefur verið starfrækt síðan 2014.

Við fluttum í Kringluna árið 2017 og höfum tekið á móti fólki þar allar götur síðan.

Icephone aðstoðar fólk við að láta sín snjalltæki endast lengur og stuðlar þannig að umhverfisvernd.

Þjónusta við viðskiptavini er okkur mikilvæg og sanngirni höfð að leiðarljósi.

Stofnuð verk í kerfum Icephone nálgast nú 40 þúsund og við höldum áfram að nýta reynsluna til að þjónusta okkar viðskiptavini.

Hvað segja viðskiptavinir

“Great service and incredibly friendly staff who fixed my phone on the spot. Wholeheartedly recommend IcePhone.”


“From a tourist. Spent my day here at Kringlan waiting for my phone to be backed up, and getting my screen repaired after dropping my phone into the Blue Lagoon. I found IcePhone via Google and headed there to get it fixed. There had been multiple damages done to my phone. However, the patience and professionalism I received from Stefan from IcePhone was amazing, as he had replaced my screen for a value. I cannot recommend this place enough for your phone fixes.”


“My daughter began her 3 month travel through Europe starting in Iceland. The day before she was to leave, her phone broke and she lost her Debit and ID! The employees at Icephone were so kind. They worked on her phone all afternoon and figured out the problem. As a mom on the otherside of the ocean I am so grateful!”
